Coaching and Facilitation



We help you develop the mindset, skills and behaviours of individuals, managers and leaders to give them the tools they need to address key issues in the workplace and help your businesses to thrive. Below are some of our solutions. We work at every level of your organisation to develop mindset, behaviours and skills.



A leading pharmaceutical company had grown through mergers and acquisitions. The resulting changes to the entire organisation resulted in the need for people to work more effectively together. To break down silos and to collaborate. With so many new faces in the organisation there was a need for each and every person to build trust and connection with others. To deal with differences, to engage and influence each other and to respect the diversity of each other.

We created a programme for every employee in the medical function to understand themselves (their preferred way of working, their strengths and weaknesses and ways of communicating).

“Our function is highly matrixed and essential to the business. This programme has given our people a common language to better work together in their own and cross-functional teams – to break down silos and collaborate across the business. We are now better placed to help the business meet its strategic priorities.”

Case Study: MANAGERS

A global energy company came to us saying their culture was too nice (on the face of it a nice problem to have!). However digging a bit deeper, this nice culture showed up as managers not managing performance or developing their people. Managers that were avoiding challenging conversations and not giving or welcoming feedback. Essentially managers not having the critical conversations that all great managers need to have with their people. The engagement scores were low and the company was losing good people.

We created a ‘Great Conversations Programme” giving managers the mindset, behaviours and skills to have the conversations that matter.

“Excellent content and facilitation. Clear and easy to use tools and simple experiments to try back in the workplace. Lots to take back to the business to use on a day to day basis.”

“Great programme I attended. I am now having more future-focused development conversations with my team discussing where they want to be in two years time and how can I help them today to get there.”

Case Study: LEADERS

A multinational FMCG company had set an ambitious growth target and corresponding growth mindset for all its leaders. The challenge for their leaders was to let go of the unhelpful mindset of ‘command and control’ (which had served them well) and adopt a new more helpful mindset of growth, of possibilities and innovation. Leaders needed to adopt a coaching style of leadership where they could inspire vision for their teams.

We created a modular programme over 12 months where each leader attended workshops, small coaching pods and 1:1 coaching.

“One of the best best programmes I have attended in years. Has given me real insights and the confidence to let go of my control. It made me realise that what I most appreciate in my leadership role is the autonomy I have. This programme made me realise I don’t give that same level of autonomy to others.”

industry leading clients

We work with clients from many sectors including pharma, bio-pharma, technology, engineering, banking and FMCG.

07802 185868

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